We are...

A church family since 1987, who desires to worship God and help people! Our heart goes out to our generation to see everyone possible finding the same joy, peace and healing we have found in Jesus. We want nothing more than to please our Heavenly Father and to love people into His kingdom!

Since 1987...

...Faith Heights Church has been on a journey to bring people the Word of God that saves, heals and delivers. We have come through many trials and storms and by the grace of God we are stronger than we have ever been! FHC is a place where Jesus is exalted and Love and faith are supreme. Check out the 3 minute video to the right and you will see a little more of who we are.

our mission

"It is our mission to teach and train believers the Word of God by the leading of the Holy Spirit, thereby producing in them wholeness and maturity, resulting in mass evangelism."

Pastor John Cappetto

Worship god, help people

Our desire is to put God first and be a shining example of what happens when we do. 

Our goal is to show our generation the REAL Jesus because we believe, that, IF PEOPLE KNEW THE REAL JESUS, THEY WOULD LOVE HIM!

we believe

The Bible is the inspired Word of God.

God sent His only Son to save the world from sin.

Anyone who believes in Jesus shall be saved.

The infilling of the Holy Spirit is for every believer.

Divine healing belongs to everyone through Christ.

Jesus established the local church.

Jesus is coming back to receive His church very soon.

All things are possible to them that believe.

If People Knew The REAL Jesus, They'd Love Him!

Core values

  1.  Jesus is the center (He is the reason for everything we do)
  2. Love is our motivation (Everything we do comes from a standpoint of love)
  3. Faith is our strength (It’s impossible to please God without faith, this permeates our lives and our church)               
  4. Integrity is how we conduct ourselves (We do the right thing even when no one is looking)
  5. Generosity is our joy (We are blessed to be a blessing)
  6. Serving is our passion (We desire to do our part to reach people with the Gospel)
  7. Excellence is what we strive for (We want to give God our best every time)
  8. Honor is our lifestyle (Honoring God and each other represents Christ to a lost world)
  9. Worship is our expression of gratitude to God (We love our Father and want to lift His name)

SHORT Info. Videos

Thank you so much for checking FHC out. We trust you will be glad you visited!

  • Let's Get It Together

    Everyone need's something. At FHC we can "Get It Together." Each service here at FHC is packed with revelation and inspiration.

    We'd Love To Meet YOU! :-)

  • The threefold purpose of Healing School is:

    1. To help people be healed.

    2. To help people maintain divine health.

    3. To equip people to minister healing to others.

  • Here at FHC you can be yourself. We are a family church where we celebrate uniqueness. Come as you are and experience the love!

  • Formal launch date for FHC Church Online is Sunday, June 2, 2019. 

    "Wherever you go, we'll be there."